My name is Mark Soo and I am a level 4 sports massage therapist based in Cheltenham. I split my time between sports massage therapy treatments at my home clinic and working at the local specialist running shop (Up & Running) doing shoe fits and gait analysis.

I have always been fairly active but started running more regularly when I was in my late 30's, and have been a keen runner since then. I have competed in a wide range of events from 5k's to ultramarathons.

I found that getting a sports massage helped keep me going with my running despite the extra stress and load it placed on my body. Through dealing with various injuries my fascination with the workings of the body grew. When the opportunity came about to study sports massage therapy, I took it and now I have the chance to show people how beneficial it can be.

I know how frustrating it is to be injured, not only if you are sporty, but also if your injury and pain stop you from doing your normal day to day tasks. My aim is to reduce your symptoms and work with you to build up your capacity and resilience to allow you to get back to doing the things that you want to do.

Sports massage therapy can be for everyone, sporty or not, injured or healthy, there are many benefits for everyone. If you have any questions on whether sports massage therapy might help you then please get in touch either through the contact page or by email at